Everything is possible for him who believes. — Mark 9:23

Monday, March 28, 2011


the dam thing drives me crazy. i swear, people revolve their whole entire lives around the dam thing. remember that thing called a life u used to have before facebook originated? yea go do something with that before time just passes right by you. and people wonder why kids turn out the way they do. because parents let them have a facebok at age 10, a cell phone at age 7, etc. back in my day, i didn't even get a cell phone until my senior year, i spent my days as a kid outside playing with my friends, going to their house and hanging out, walking to the corner store just to buy candy. seriously, people really get outta control with the dam thing. i dont need to know when you just checked into your house, or your mom's house, or your bathroom, or your work. are u kidding me? not to mention it's not even safe to have that shit on there. u really want strangers knowing where u live? where your parents live? where u work at? think people. i wont even post what city i live in or what my phone number is. then i have people posting about how bored they are all the time. seriously? i wish i could be bored. that's why they invented friends, malls, movies, museums, restaurants, hiking, hello... should i continue? whoever invented the hide posts button on fb was a genius. then i have the people who will text me and be like oh i'm so pissed off, ill reply back & say what happened. they'll say, did u see my facebook? nooooo.. and ur already texting me. i have to go to ur fb to see what happened? u can't just call and tell me? it annoys me even more when people accuse me of being a facebook whore. the whole thing started because my twitter account is linked to my fb account. everytime i post a tweet it gets posted on my fb too. so when i first started my twitter, i loved it. i used to tweet all the time. so people were always like, ur always on facebook. i'm tired of explaining myself. it annoys the hell out of me, it makes me not even wanna have a dam facebook anymore. i tell people i wanna delete my fb and they're like no! how will i get in touch with u. um, i do have something called a phone, and email, and skype this is 2011 people. find a way. if u dont see me on fb or don't see my account anymore. you'll know why.

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