ok so i guess a lot has been going on lately. ok not really. i just have a lot on my mind. i always do. but i haven't had time to blog yet. and i didn't really want to yet until i actually finished customizing my page. but anyway, ive been working a lot lately. my typical day consists of work and the gym. that's pretty much it monday-friday. however i haven't gone 2 the gym now for 2 weeks. so i really need 2 start getting back on track next week. because when school starts its going to be so hectic that i know i wont have time for a lot of things. im kinda nervous about school starting. i always i am. just because i don't know how hard my classes are going to be and if i can handle them. my schedule is still not complete yet because i've bee putting off taking my placement test to see what math i'll be placed in. i'm horrible at math. you'd think i should be good since i'm azn. lol. but no. i always struggled with it. work has been ok lately. ive been working long hours so i can save up because i can't work as much when school starts. its been pretty busy at work lately. it keeps me busy which i'm glad. otherwise my mind would be somewhere else. and i would just end up worrying all tha time. my family's doing ok. my sister's getting big. i think she's hittin close to 8 months. we work 2gether, & everytime i see her i still get shocked. like i dont believe that this is really happening. last time i really felt my nephew kick i shed a few tears. so i have no idea what it'll be like when he actually arrives. which i'm super excited about. her babyshower is coming up, which i'm helping her host. i'm still indecisive about what to get her. my mom's been struggling a lot lately. well my grandma is finally home from rehab, but her ankle is not completely healed yet. so she's still struggling to walk. so my mom stays home w/ her. but to top it off, a few weeks ago, my mom's head starting hurting, and she found out that her nerves were damaged. so now she can't go back 2 work. its adding stress to me, bc she's asking me for money now. since she can't go back 2 work.i told her that when i get my fin. aid i would help her out. but she's depending so much on my sister & me to take care of everything for her. she told me to take out as many loans as i can, pay my bills, pay off my car, and give her the rest so she can pay off her house. first off,i only have enough 2 pay off my bills, not even enough 2 pay my car. i love her, and i would help her out in any way i can. but it irritates me that she's depending on me. i'm not responsible for her bills. she's an adult. she needs to figure out what to do, not ask her children to solve her problems for her. so on monday me & tha roomie actually went out. i know, shocker huh? we went 2 cream lounge & these fools would not leave us alone. 1st sum gay guy came up 2 me & was like "omg, i was gonna wear that exact same outfit" lmao. i think he was by himself. i actually really like cream lounge. i know tha bartender that works there. and i really like their music. but itz so dam small. we went 2 crown room after that. it was our 1st time there. man, their long islands will kill u. i got buzzed off of 1. i was done after that. my roomie got fucked up. sum other fools started talkin 2 us too. these guys were sum cheap bastards, they kept talkin bout drinks, yet they wouldn't buy us any. so we kinda walked away. then sum other fools came up 2 us. these fools wouldn't stop buying us drinks. so these 2 scrubs told us that they were from out of town, & they came here for vacation. why tha hell would u come 2 az for a vacation. they must really like hot weather. so 1 of tha scrubs told me hes from tha bay so i told him i lived in daly city for 3 yrs. & hes like oh really, i heard that girls there go down on guys. r u fuckin kidding me? THATS how u get girls? nice. i made v chug tha last long island i got her, & we got tha fuck outta there. i felt hella bad cuz she couldn't keep tha alcohol down @ all. lol. fun times. well i'm glad itz friday but i feel like tha week just flys by. next thing it'll be time for school again. anyway, i got a lot more 2 say, but i gotta start gettin readyfor tha bday party soon. i'll try 2 blog sometime this weekend after i fix tha page. i'm slowly fixing my myspace too. itz been a while. peace out folks. god bless.
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